From birth to 3 years old, babies have specific nutritional needs that must be met by a specific diet. Pediatricians advise a healthy and varied diet that meets the nutritional needs of the child and encourages this stage to be done gently so as not to discourage the little ones.
Petit Pot Industrial or homemade: each has its advantages and disadvantages?
We are always proud to prepare food for our little one, but there are rules to follow so that this food is beneficial for our baby:
First of all, you must be informed of your vitamin, salt and mineral needs to opt for a varied and balanced diet.
Then, knowing how to choose your raw materials: Fruits, vegetables, meats, fish. If you buy them fresh, they must be cooked quickly and not kept for long in the refrigerator in order to preserve a maximum of vitamins.
The potty also has many advantages that cannot be denied:
– significant time savings when working or when travelling.
The safety of QUALITY since the small pots are manufactured in strict compliance with international regulations in terms of sterilization, conservation, choice of raw materials to ensure the total absence of nitrates, pesticide residues…. because we unfortunately cannot analyze & control the fruits and vegetables that we buy in the trade or the market to ensure that no pesticide pollutes these products.
– Compliance with the regulated content of sugar (for small fruit jars), salt & protein (for jars containing meat or fish).
You will have to choose, but in no case should you feel guilty if you buy a small pot to replace a cooked meal or a dessert for your baby because the quality will always be irreproachable...
see better than what you can prepare at home.
Please note: a small open jar must be consumed within 48 hours, with essential storage in the refrigerator.